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Thursday 17 January 2008

A horse with a sense of humour . . .

and a passion for water.

A lot of horses don't like water. In fact some positively freak out if they have to go through it. Not ours!

Yesterday and today have been two of the wettest days we've had this year, and our home field is absolutely sodden. So, our horse Katie, who loves water - and mud - decided to play in her new pond!
She was a Grey Mare and now looks more like Black Beauty lol!
Thank goodness she was wearing her best winter coat so that she wasn't completely black.

The land falls away from the house down the valley, just gently, but enough so that we can't actually see the ground in a far corner of Katie's home field from our windows. What we hadn't realized was that the rain had collected in this corner giving Katie something she's probably always wanted - a really deep paddling pool.

The first we knew about it was when we saw her trying to dig a hole in that corner - or so we thought - what she was actually doing was splashing like hell and having a whale of a time.
As a result said lovely winter coat is soaked and so is she.
After a really good splash about she was totally giddy and rocketed up the field bucking for joy.
What can we say, except . . . there's life in the old mare yet?! Or, is she just completely crackers?!
Happily, we can say both ;-)

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